Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Golden Mean Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Golden Mean - Essay Example May sound surprising, yet it is true that the Golden Mean have always been an essential element of the natural world (Lamb 2011). The appearance of Fibonacci numbers on which the concept of Golden Mean is based, on a regular basis in the works of nature do corroborates the ancient conclusion and belief that nature is based on some predetermined and reoccurring patterns (Lamb 2011). Many ancient monuments like the Pyramids of Giza, the Greek temple in the Acropolis in Athens and many medieval churches had been designed in conformation with the Golden Mean (Knott 2010). In a contemporary context, the United Nations Headquarters building located at New York had been designed in consonance with the concept of Golden Mean (Knott 2010). It was an international committee of architects comprising of influential and renowned architects like Wallace K Harrison, Oscar Niemeyer and Le Corbusier that finalized the design of the United Nations Headquarters building at New York (A View on Cities 20 11). Eventually it was a plan laid out by Le Corbusier, called 23A that was chosen to be the basis for the new building (A View on Cities 2011). In 1950, Le Corbussier published a book named Le modulator, in which he recognized the relevance of the Golden Mean in the contemporary architecture (Knott 2010).
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Internal and external influences on business opportunities
Internal and external influences on business opportunities Business is like the blood that flows through our bodies, with out business our lives would be almost impossible. Business plays many different roles in our everyday lives. Most people either own or work for a particular business. Businesses make it possible for the community and even further places such as overseas countries to receive and sell goods and services. A business can be anything that provides goods and services to the community such as corner shops providing customers with goods and sweets and they can also be larger companies such as Nike selling shoes and clothing all over the world. Businesses allow for our economy to grow and become stronger, with out a strong economy a country can not run as smoothly as preferred. One of the main reasons why businesses are so important in our everyday life is due to the fact that businesses provide millions and millions of people with job opportunities. If businesses did not exist people will not be able to work and earn money for e veryday living. There are certain factors that can influence a business. These factors include internal and external influences. Internal influences are influences that a business has some control over, such influences include product, location, management, resource management and business culture. Product influences: These influences affect a large majority of the internal structures and operations of a business. Depending on the types of goods and services the business produces will depend on the internal structure. If the goods being produced require certain equipment, these needs must be catered to so that the business may go on with its production. Each type of business has a different set of product influence, for example a service provider will require less preparation, whilst on the other hand a manufacturer will need more services to produce the goods sold. The size of a business can be determined by the different types of goods and services produced and also the availability of technology. So from this we understand that the amount of goods and services produced by a business depends on the size of the business. Poor productivity can be seen in the article Anger at Vodafone Sydney morning herald, this impacts on the business because Vodafone is providing very poor services to their customers, therefore tempting the customers to switch to another network, taking business away from Vodafone. Location influences: One of the most important factors of a business is the location in which that business is positioned in. The location can either make or break the business. Location is especially important for retail and service oriented businesses, as they need to be seen and recognized by customers. The business owner must take into consideration of where he/she chooses to locate their business The business must be in area with a good image, for eg not a poor suburb, they business must be located in a place were customers are consistently walking past and spotting the shop, for eg in the city. Another important thing is that the business must be convenient towards the customers, so that they may take the time and effort to check the place out, if the business is located in a area which is not convenient the customers may loose interest and go somewhere else. Resource influences: -Basically there are 4 main types of resources available to a business, these include: Human resources Information Resources Physical resources Financial resources Human resources may be considered as the most important resource, for they are the employees that allow for the business to run. Information resources are all the actions in which the business takes to research and learn more about their situation for eg sales reports. Physical resources include all the equipment and tools necessary for running the business. Financial resources are basically what the business depends on to buy and help support their business, for example to buy new machines. Management influences: There is no doubt that over time businesses and the way in which businesses are run have dramatically changed. Management has been a part of business that has been changed in an effective way. In the past there were many levels of management and hierarchy in a business that new ideas and issues had to go through, but now due to many factors such as the pressure of competitiveness from globalisation the way in which businesses are run have been altered. These days there are much fewer levels that new ideas and issues have to go through, this will result in quicker and more efficient decisions that in the long run will allow the business to focus on the way it runs. This allows businesses to adapt quicker and more efficiently to the ever changing needs and wants of consumers because there are fewer managers in which the process of decision making must go through. Business culture: In reality every business has its own type of business culture, these are all the values, beliefs and ideas that are agreed upon by all employees and managers of the business. The culture of a business is shown in the way in which the business acts and performs. Business culture is usually shown in the rules and regulations of a business such as the way staff are expected to dress and behave. Culture has been proven to be a necessary tool that must be used by businesses to achieve the best out of its staff members and customers. Business culture is proven to be important in the video Australias food fight: west farmers vs. Woolworths. Coles have changed their business culture by undergoing management change, which has allowed for a different culture to be applied, and this has proven to be successful as they are now basically ahead of Woolworths. Internal influences have an extraordinary impact on business in Australia. They include every thing from were the business is located to how the business is run. The location of a business basically is essential for the success of the business, depending on were it is located, it must be convenient and visible to customers. If it is not located in a convenient area customers may not be able to get to the business and purchase from it. The management of a business is the way in which the business is run, in order to have a successful business it must be under good management and the necessary actions must be taken when they are called for, for eg if employees are needed to be cut off, due to lack of financial sustainability. So basically it is essential for businesses to be affected by internal influences in a positive way. External influences External influences are factors that a business may have little or no control over, such factors include: Economic, financial, geographical, social, legal, political, institutional, technological, competitive situation and markets influences. Economical influences In Australia and the rest of the world, the economy experiences economic cycles. These cycles include booms and busts (recession). Basically during an economic boom the economy experiences higher levels of employment, they may be so confident in their sales that they may increase the price of items to gain higher profits. Also during booms wages of employees tend to increase as more profit is being made by the business. However the economic cycle does have its down side, such as when the economy is experiencing a recession period. An unfortunate reality of recessions is that employment rates decrease due to the fact that the business is not making enough sale profits to keep their employees. Another effect of recession is that business may not be able to raise the price of their products because people are not purchasing so they may have to even lower prices to continue to compete in the market. The influences of economical factors are shown in the article Petrol prices soar and no r elief in site. Due to the poor economical status prices are raised and customers may not be able to purchase petrol at this price. Another ecomical influence can be seen in the radio article impact of floods on grocery prices 2GB, Sydney, this impacts on the business because all the crops are being destroyed making it impossible to make a profit, with farmers not making profits the economy will suffer and be under pressure. Financial influences Financial influences impact a business in several ways. due to deregulation which is basically the extermination of government regulation in an business, Businesses are now able to improve competitiveness with each other. Even better, now due to globalisation, Australia is now able to trade goods overseas, further more improving the financial sustainability of the country. Geographical influences Geographical influences impact businesses in many ways. Australia is located in the Asia-pacific region, the economical statuss in these surrounding countries are very important in the interest of Australia. Basically if china is doing well, it may be able to trade goods and services with Australia creating an advantage for both countries. Another thing is that a lot of Australian companies are located in the Asia-Pacific region, so the countries must be economically doing well for the Australian companies to survive. Also the demography of the country has a significant influence on businesses, for eg Australia must be run to suit people of all different cultures, ages and sexes. One major demographic impact on Australia is the ageing population, with an ageing population there must be centres and facilities created for elders. Also with people retiring, their jobs will need to be completed by younger people, who may not be as experienced as the retired worker. Globalisation is also an important fact of geographical issues, due to globalisation Australia is not tied down just to trade goods and services throughout Australia, but how ever to do so around the entire world. The impact of globalisation can be seen in the video picking up an Aussie apple, we see that Australia is beginning to import overseas apples to Australia. Social influences Social influences have an sever impact on the success of a business. For eg as time goes on peoples taste in fashion and trends will change. If businesses do not adapt to these changes they may be affected in a very negative way. In order for a business to make a profit they must take into consideration all the new fashions and trends going around. One other major social influence is the influence of of our environment which is basically wearing away day by day, businesses must always consider what is in the best interest of the environment, for eg not giving out plastic bags after a sale. One final issue is the issue of family-work practices, as women give birth they must leave work, and this may result in the business losing an employee, affecting in the production of the business. An example of social influences can be seen in the article Petrol price soars and no relief in site, With the rise of petrol, the people in society may decide that instead of using cars, they can probabl y save money by using public transport or riding a bike to work. Legal influences Businesses can not just do as they please. There are many legal actions that influence businesses and basically tell them what they can or cant do. With more and more laws being passed onto businesses, the business must adapt their company to what the law is telling them to do. Generally the people of a society expect that businesses may run under the rules and guidelines provided by the law. Businesses must be aware of all the laws so that they may not breach them and pay the penalties. Political influences Even though political influences may not be the most affective factors onto a business, they still have a pretty heavy impact. For eg whenever a new election Is held, the new government may introduce new policies. A policy that was introduced in 2000 was the goods and services tax, this was a 10 percent tax on the supply of most goods and services used in Australia, this affected businesses in a way that they had to collect taxes basically on behalf of the government. However deregulation has also been introduced in the picture in the past few decades, this is the removal of government regulation in industry, and this takes pressure off businesses and allows for a greater range of competitiveness. Institutional influences Three institutional influences on business are government, regulatory bodies and trade unions and employer associations. Government: Three levels which are federal, state and local. Federal government deals mainly with issues such as tax, making sure that the taxes are being paid and also things such as how the businesses are running in according to the customs regulations. State governments deal with lower case issues such as workers rights and responsibilities such as OHS requirements and making sure businesses are abiding by the state laws and trade practices Local government deals with issues such the condition of building and making sure of improvements, parking rules and fire regulations Regulatory bodies; These bodies observe and understand the way that businesses deal with certain issues and how the business treats its community and consumers. Examples of regulatory bodies include: the Office of fair trading and the Australian competition and consumer commission. (ACCC) Other institutional influences are Trade unions and Australian stock exchanges, these groups have aims such as improving working conditions and pay rates. Technological influences Technology without a doubt has had probably one of the most affects on businesses. With new technologies being invented and discovered every day this can only help improve productivity and efficiency for businesses. Technology has allowed for robotic machinery to be used in productivity which in the long run cheapens the cost of productivity as no employee or has to be paid. Robots also help to reduce the amount of boring and repetitive jobs that some humans may have to do. Also communication technology has been improving rapidly over the past few years making it even easier to communicate with suppliers and consumers, with out them actually being there. Businesses must strive to use the available technology to the best of their ability so that they may keep up or even be ahead of competitors. Competitive situation influences These influences may be very helpful and useful to both consumers and producers, for eg when two businesses are competing to be the market leader, they will lower costs of their stock to attract customers. As a result they will be making more sales and more importantly a profit. These competitive situations also benefit consumers because with competition in a market there will be a greater range of goods available for consumption, this allows the consumer to get a wider variety of choice when considering the good or service they want. Competitive situations are shown in the video Australias food fight: west farmers VS Woolworths as these companies are competing with each other to get the most customer satisfaction, It also discuss how the affects of globalisation such as Aldi here in Australia also competing amongst the big guns. Another example of competitive situation is shown in the article Anger at Vodafone, with Vodafone giving such poor services, customers will want to change to another network providing greater coverage. External influences have a major impact on our every day lives in Australia, with all the different types of factors such as social and technological influences our lives are affected on a day to day basis. If external influences did not exist we would not be living in a society were goods and services from all around the world are accessible to us for our own usage. External influences can be both positive and /or negative for example, competitiveness in the market allows for a variety of options for consumers to choose from but contrasting the effects of external factors such as geographical issues involving the weather can have a negative affect, for eg flooding in farms or drought seasons. Conclusion As mentioned in the executive summary above, business can be compared to the blood in a living organism, it is essential for our everyday survival and living. Business allows us to live the pleasures and entertaining lives that we live each day. Internal influences summed up can be recognized as influences that a business can control whilst external influences are those factors that the business can not control. Internal influences for eg can be explained as factors that a business can use and apply to help determine the success of their business, such as the location in which they choose to place their business. External can be explained by using the example of a economic recession, this can affect the business in many negative ways such as letting employers go. So summed up we can say that business is essential for everyday living and it can be broken down into two different types, Internal and external, and it can be concluded that they basically determine how the business is run and how successful it will be. The end L
Friday, October 25, 2019
How effective is Dahls use of subtext in his short stories? :: English Literature
How effective is Dahl's use of subtext in his short stories? Subtext is anything that is indirectly communicated to the reader. It can be conveyed in many ways, such as sounds, objects, jokes, colours and temperatures. Subtext expresses a meaning in a subliminal manner. In Roald Dahl's short stories he uses subtext to display the meanings and feelings that are hidden. In 'The Landlady' Dahl uses subtext to convey the true evil behind the landlady's homely exterior. The animals in the boarding house are thought of to be a good feature. 'Animals were usually a good sign in a place like this'. This is ironic because the animals are dead and stuffed. When Billy Weaver first walked into the house he noticed that there was only his coat in the hallway. 'There were no other hats or coats in the hall'. This is subtext because it suggests that the house is empty. Subtext can also be suggested through temperature. All the way through the story, temperature is used subtextually to suggest meanings and feelings. The weather outside was cold. A cold temperature is subtext for death. 'The air was deadly cold and the wind was like a flat blade of ice', this is pathetic fallacy because it is typical horror genre weather. Inside the house heat is used to cover up the coldness of death. 'A bright fire burning' is used to make the house seem warm. The cups of tea are used in the same way. When Billy goes to the house the landlady appears very quickly, 'like a jack-in-the-box'. This indicates that she was waiting for him to arrive. Furthermore it seems as if she has prepared everything for him in advance. In other words she knew the point when he was going to arrive. The landlady says 'we have it all to ourselves'. She also talks about her guests in the past tense. Therefore it is suggested that the guests are no longer there. The landlady is an unconventional monster in this horror story. 'She looked exactly like the mother of one's best school-friend' explains that this woman seemed sweet and familiar to Billy. Her role in the story is reversed when it is revealed that she is in fact a cold killer. The landlady acts very strangely towards Billy, 'her blue eyes travelled slowly all the way down the length of Billy's body'. The landlady's ayes are described as blue. Blue eyes are not usually associated with evil so this makes her seem an irregular villain in the story. The way she looks at him suggests a wicked look but the 'blue eyes' eliminates the evil.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Parts Emporium Case
Case 3 MBA_731 John Burkhart 11/21/12 Parts Emporium EG151: Exhaust Gasket DB032: Drive Belt 1. Total costs for EG151; include ordering costs and holding costs. Compare this to the current system costs. You do no need to include the cost of safety stock for this comparison. Actual cost for this part: $4. 16 Ordering Cost: $20. 00 Holding cost: 20% of inventory investment Units on hand: 0 Units on back order: 11 Units scheduled receipt: 150 Total Cost: $624 + $20 + $125 = $769 2.Total costs for the DB032; include ordering costs and holding costs. Compare this to the current system. You do not need to include the cost of safety stock for this comparison. Actual cost for this part: $4. 27 Ordering Cost: $10. 00 Holding cost: 20% of inventory investment Units on hand: 324 Total Cost: $1,383. 50 + $10 + $277 = $1670. 50 3. Proposed system for EG151; determine both Q and R. 2. 86 x 52 = 149 4. Proposed system for DB032; determine both Q and R. 1. 76 x 52 = 92 5.For EG151 proposed system, calculate the cost of both safety stock and stock outs. Calculate the cost of stock outs for the current system. Does the safety stock pay off?6. For BD032 proposed system, calculate the cost of both safety stock and stock outs. Calculate the cost of stock outs for the current system. Does the safety stock pay off?Resources: Krajewski, L. , Ritzman, L. , & Malhotra, M. (2010). Operations management process and supply chains. (10th ed. ). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Low birth weight and preterm babies Essay
Low birth weight and preterm babies in United States is increasing. Low birth weight babies are babies who are born with the birth weight of less than 5 lbs. either due to preterm delivery or due to restriction of growth inside the uterus. These low birth weight babies are at increased risk for early death and long-term health and developmental issues than infants born later in pregnancy or at higher birth weights. Not all preterm infants are low birth weight, and vice versa. Racial/Ethnic and Socioeconomic Disparities: Disparities in racial and culture exist with preterm and low birth weight infants. According to child health USA 2010 report, low birth weight infants who were born to non-Hispanic black women were more than the infants born to other racial and ethnic group. The infants born to non- Hispanic black women was 3.0 percent whereas the infants born to non- Hispanic white women was only 1.2 percent. The American Indian was 1.3 percent and the all other races were 1.5 percent with low birth weight infants. Causes for preterm and low birth weight babies: Previous delivery of low birth weight babies or preterm deliveries. Teen of age less than 20 years or advanced maternal age of greater than 35 years. Any maternal health problems such as hypertension, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDââ¬â¢s). Use of substance abuse during pregnancy such as alcohol, cigarette smoking and cocaine use. Low socio-economic status with no medical insurance, Lack of nutrition at the time of pregnancy. Physical and mental stress during pregnancy. Violence, abuse or exposures to secondhand smoke are some of the causes for preterm and low birth weight infants (Morrin, 2008, p.8). Impact on family and society: Preterm and low birth weight infants possess greater risk not only for the infants, but also for the families and the society as well. The impact of very low-birth-weight infants on the family is long lasting. Pretermà infants born at less than 34 weeks are at high risk for poor outcomes, including chronic health conditions, long-term disability, and death. The loss of a baby can be a devastating experience for a family. Many preterm and low birth weight infants that survive the perinatal period are vulnerable to a host of childhood morbidities such as cerebral palsy, chronic lung disease, and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Adolescents born prior to 35 weeks of completed gestation have been shown to have a higher degree of abnormal brain development and cognitive and behavioral problems than adolescents born full-term. These poorer birth outcomes have also been associated with serious health conditions in adulthood, such as cardiovascular disease, Type II diabetes, and hypertension. The financial costs associated with treating preterm labor and delivery is quite high. The parents of low birth weight infants have higher scores for financial burden, familial/social impact, personal strain, and mastery. And they experience more impact when children had a functional handicap or low adaptive developmental quotient (ââ¬Å"APHA: Policy Statement Databaseâ⬠, August 11, 2006). In the society they cause more medical costs due to the length of stay in neonatal intensive care unit. Usually women with poor socio economic conditions, homeless are greatest risk for low birth weight infants and they have no medical insurances. This possesses greater impact on the society because their costs have to be picked up by Medicaid or the hospital system. Regarding community resources, I feel there are enough resources available in the community for preterm infants and their families, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is currently promoting preconception and post conception care as critical to improve the health of the nation. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to improve outcomes for the mother and her family. New Jersey has lots of support services for pregnant women and women with low birth weight infants, they are, Nutrition programs, food banks, and food stamps Financial assistance for medical care, utilities, and unemployment benefits Organizations for children with special developmental or medical needs Head Start and other educational programs Medical care and insurance resources Counseling services and more (Preemie care, n.d). References: APHA: Policy Statement Database. (August 11, 2006). Retrieved April 15, 2014, from http://www.apha.org/advocacy/policy/policysearch/default.htm?id=1326 Morrin, J. (2008, September). Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Low Birth weight for Connecticut. Retrieved April 15, 2014, from http://www.ct.gov/dph/lib/dph/family_health/health_disparities_in_lbw_final_report_10_1_08.pdf Preemie Care -RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus) Awareness & Prevention. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.preemiecare.org/supportgroups.htm#NJ Very Low Birth Weight ââ¬â Child Health USA 2010. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2014, from http://www.mchb.hrsa.gov/chusa10/hstat/hsi/pages/203vlbw.html.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel Facts
Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel Facts The Virginia northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus and abbreviated as VNSF) is a subspecies of northern flying squirrels (G. sabrinus) that lives in high altitudes in the Allegheny Mountains in the U.S. states of Virginia and West Virginia. In 1985, this squirrel was listed as vulnerable in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), but after its population rebounded, was delisted in 2013. Fast Facts: Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel Scientific Name: Glaucomys sabrinus fuscusCommon Name: Virginia northern flying squirrelBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 10ââ¬â12 inchesWeight: 4ââ¬â6.5 ouncesLifespan: 4 yearsDiet:à OmnivoreHabitat:à Allegheny mountains of Virginia, West VirginiaPopulation: 1,100Conservation Status: Delisted (due to Recovery) Description The Virginia northern flying squirrel has dense, soft fur that is brown on its back and slate gray colored on its belly. Its eyes are large, prominent, and dark. The squirrels tail is broad and horizontally flattened, and there are membranes called patagia between the fore and hind legs that serve as wings when the squirrel glides from tree to tree. Adult VNFS range in size between 10 and 12 inches, and between 4 and 6.5 ounces. Diet Unlike other squirrels, the Virginia northern flying squirrel usually feeds on lichen and fungi growing above and below ground instead of eating strictly nuts. It also eats certain seeds, buds, fruit, cones, insects, and other scavenged animal material. Habit and Distribution This subspecies of flying squirrel is typically found in conifer-hardwood forests or forest mosaics consisting of mature beech, yellow birch, sugar maple, hemlock, and black cherry associated with red spruce and balsam or Fraser fir. Biological studies have shown that it prefers mature growth red spruce trees at high altitudes, because of the presence of downed trees which promote the growth of fungus and lichens. The Virginia northern flying squirrel currently exists in red spruce forests of Highland, Grant, Greenbrier, Pendleton, Pocahontas, Randolph, Tucker, Webster counties of West Virginia. Behavior These squirrels large, dark eyes enable them to see in low light, so they are very active during the evenings, especially two hours after sunset and one hour before sunrise, moving among trees and on the ground. Virginia northern flying squirrels live in family groups of adults and juveniles that share ranges. Home ranges of males are approximately 133 acres. The squirrels fly by launching themselves from tree branches, and spreading their limbs so the gliding membrane is exposed. They use their legs to steer and their tails to brake, and they can cover more than 150 feet in a single glide. They may build leaf nests but often opportunistically reside in tree cavities, underground burrows, woodpecker holes, nest boxes, snags, and abandoned squirrel nests. Unlike other squirrels, Virginia northern flying squirrels remain active in the winter instead of hibernating; they are social animals and have been known to share nests with multiple males, females, and pups in their families over the winter for warmth. Their vocalizations are varied chirps. Reproduction The breeding season for Virginia northern flying squirrels falls between February to May and again in July. Gestation lasts 37ââ¬â42 days and one or two litters of live pups are born with two to six individuals and averaging four or five. The squirrels are born from March through early July with a second season in late August to early September. After theyre born, the mothers and the newborns move to maternal nests. The young stay with their mother until they are weaned at two months and become sexually mature at 6ââ¬â12 months. VNFS have a lifespan of about four years. Threats In 1985, the primary cause for the decrease in population was habitat destruction. In West Virginia, the decline of Appalachian red spruce forests was dramatic beginning in the 1800s. The trees were harvested to produce paper products and fine instruments (such as fiddles, guitars, and pianos). The wood was also highly valued in the ship-building industry. The single most important factor in the squirrels population resurgence has been the regeneration of its forested habitat, reports the Richwood, WV, website. While that natural regrowth has been ongoing for decades, there is considerable and growing interest by the U.S. Forest Service Monongahela National Forest and Northeastern Research Station, the state of West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, Department of Forestry and State Park Commission, The Nature Conservancy and other conservation groups, and private entities to foster large spruce restoration projects that restore the historic red spruce ecosystem of the Allegheny Highlands. Since being declared endangered, biologists have placed and encouraged the public placement of nest boxes in 10 counties of western and southwestern Virginia. Primary predators of the squirrel are owls, weasels, foxes, mink, hawks, raccoons, bobcats, skunks, snakes, and domestic cats and dogs. Conservation Status The loss of red spruce habitat by the end of the 20th century necessitated the listing of the West Virginia northern flying squirrel under the Endangered Species Act in 1985. In 1985, at the time of its Endangered Species listing, only 10 squirrels were found alive in four separate areas of its range. In the early 2000s, federal and state biologists captured more than 1,100 squirrels at over 100 sites and based on that believe that this subspecies no longer faces the threat of extinction. In 2013, the Virginia northern flying squirrels were delisted by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, due to population recovery. Sources Cassola, F. Glaucomys sabrinus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T39553A22256914, 2016.Diggins, Corinne A., and W. Mark Ford. Microhabitat Selection of the Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys Sabrinus Fuscus Miller) in the Central Appalachians. BioONE 24.2 (2017): 173ââ¬â90, 18. Print.Ford, W. M., et al. Predictive Habitat Models Derived from Nest-Box Occupancy for the Endangered Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel in the Southern Appalachians. Endangered Species Research 27.2 (2015): 131ââ¬â40. Print.Menzel, Jennifer M., et al. Home Range and Habitat Use of the Vulnerable Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel Glaucomys Sabrinus Fuscus in the Central Appalachian Mountains, USA. Oryx 40.2 (2006): 204ââ¬â10. Print.Mitchell, Donna. Spring and Fall Diet of the Endangered West Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys Sabrinus Fuscus). BioONE 146.2 (2001): 439ââ¬â43, 5. Print.Trapp, Stephanie E, Winston P Smith, and Elizabeth A Flaherty. Diet and Food Avail ability of the Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus): Implications for Dispersal in a Fragmented Forest. Journal of Mammalogy 98.6 (2017): 1688ââ¬â96. Print. Virginia northern flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus). ECOS Environmental Conservation Online System.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Plague DBQ essays
Plague DBQ essays Between the 15th and 18th century, a plague was set on Europe and killed at least one third of the population. Not one single European knew what caused this to happen. Because they didn't know or have any scientific reasoning back then, they had religious and super-natural beliefs. Everyone had their own conclusion to what might've caused this or cam up with suppositional solutions and others with rational or irrational conclusions as well. Because people had their own opinions and concerns, things became even worse trying to make it for their own benefit. Each class had their own advantages and some unfortunately had their disadvantages. In 1484, Schoolmaster at Deventer, Netherlands, mentions and states that the plague "drove many others away" from school. (Doc 1) Some schools had both higher and lower classmen and because of this, the rich kids had the advantage. They were able to move to different areas of Europe and were able to pull themselves away from the plague and as for the lower classmen, they had the disadvantage of staying in the area were the plague is spreading. In addition, in 1521, Nicolas Versoris, French author who rote the Book of Reason said that, "since the rich fled, death was principally directed towards the poor." (Doc 3) It indicates how much greater of a chance the rich had to escape the plague. The lower class had a bigger chance of dying and suffering from the plague than the higher class. The only advantage the lower classmen had was to hope for the best outcome, but the higher classmen had the capabilit y of saving themselves and their families. There were other concerns and other beliefs but this time using science. In 1512, Erasmus of Rotterdam stated that "the plague and sickness in England is due to the filth in the streets" (Doc 2) This indicates the growing secularization of the science during the renaissance and the departure from super natural explanation of natural disasters. In addition, i ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Preventative vs. Preventive
Preventative vs. Preventive Preventative vs. Preventive Preventative vs. Preventive By Mark Nichol When you wish to refer to something that serves to prevent, which is the correct adjectival or noun form, preventative, or preventive? The latter word is more commonly cited, appearing by a ratio of three to one, but the longer variant is also widely employed, and with increasing frequency. Might, however, does not necessarily make right. So, which one is better? Both words date back to the 1600s, and the latter predates the former by a mere several decades. It retains the upper hand, however, for two reasons: First, the extra syllable is superfluous, and second, it is supported both by quality as well as quantity: The most respected publications favor preventive, while preventative is more likely to appear in print and online sources with less rigorous editorial standards. Thatââ¬â¢s a good enough reason to favor preventive. What about similar word pairs such as exploitative and exploitive, which both refer to underhandedly using someone or something to oneââ¬â¢s advantage? Like preventative and preventive, the first attestations of these words are only a few decades apart, though they are much more recent coinages; exploitative goes back only to the late nineteenth century, and exploitive is less than a hundred years old. But thereââ¬â¢s a significant difference between this word pair and the previous one: In this case, the longer form is widely considered the standard, and exploitive is the inferior alternative. Fortunately, the correct form of most words ending in -ive is obvious, as with cumulative, formative, and representative. But other endings can confuse, such as with the question of whether to use orient or orientate as a verb. In this case, each refers to facing the east, though only orient correctly applies to other references to setting or directing. Likewise, there is the case of systematic and systemic, both of which are valid terms, but with mostly distinct senses: Though both terms obviously pertain to systems, only systematic also refers to classification and to coherent, methodical, thorough procedures. Systemic generally connotes only biological systems and is neutral in value, as opposed to the qualitative senses of systematic. In summary, as a careful writer, research proper usage for word endings in order to avoid employing the incorrect of two similar words or a less favored variant. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Capitalize Animal and Plant NamesLoan, Lend, Loaned, Lent50+ Words That Describe Animals (Including Humans)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Smart Phone, Small Planet Identity and Community in the Digital Age Essay
Smart Phone, Small Planet Identity and Community in the Digital Age - Essay Example The smart technology has improved healthcare and healthcare management. Digital innovations are making new health products. According to Levy and Wong (p.9), smart technology is enabling an upgrade from a reactive focus on curatives towards a proactive view of health management. New preventive medicines are being discovered in order to enable prevention of diseases rather than waiting to cure them. This includes vaccine drugs administered to children. Levy and Wong (p.9) assert that digital technology advancement in the health sector has enabled the use of digital hearing aids. Moreover, improved pacemaker devices and datasets that analyze the efficiency of treatments have been realized thanks to the adoption of smart technology in the health sector. Levy and Wong (p.9) note that the new sources of information are improving the methods of diagnosis used by doctors making the process very effective. Smart technology has enabled effective monitoring of peopleââ¬â¢s health through ti mely detection of illness and the knowledge of nature and the causes of these diseases. X-ray scans are just an example of massive technology innovations that continue to significantly revolutionize our health sector positively. Therefore peopleââ¬â¢s lives in the community are better with this improvement in their health care. Smart technology innovations have brought about new and highly developed cities. Smart systems have advanced the ways of engagement of people in urban environments. According to Levy and Wong (p.9), through innovations, there are buildings which control pollution. Honestly, as Levy and Wong (p.9) foresee, the future is promising great opportunities in this urban housing sector.
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Education of John Dewey - a biography by Jay Martin Essay
The Education of John Dewey - a biography by Jay Martin - Essay Example John Dewey was considered as one of the most ten important thinkers in the history of the country of America. This was of the many instances of popularity he achieved during his lifetime from his birth in the year 1859 till his death in 1952. The short hand word of Pragmatism identified his line of thinking conventionally. The body of thought as prescribed by the prominent thinker has been identified as one of the distinctive philosophy of the American society that had been ruling the philosophy of the country for the last fifty years. The work he had done for the education system of the society has still been famous and influential in recent period in the eve of the changing world and has been considerably famous for the worldwide system of education. According to him education is the immediate necessity of life. The ascendance of multiculturalism and that of independent thinking of individuals in the American pedagogy of the contemporary period was anticipated in the educational wo rks that had been done by him in his lifetime. In the emerging democracies of the present world The University of Chicago Laboratory School that have been founded by him in the year 1896 has been a model for the schools and also in entire world of schools. John Dewey had well established himself as one of the eminent reformers of the education system of the country.... The movement of progressive education emphasized on attacking the established education system of the country from both inside and outside the establishment. However, according to some critics of the education philosophy of John Dewey, the philosophy had racial assumptions underlying it. The famous child centered education philosophy of John Dewey holds true for the American as well as the European American students but not for the African Americans. Apart from this criticism the educational thoughts propagated by him had been truly helpful for education of every society of the country. There was a need of continuous interaction of the classroom education of an individual along with experience of his real life. There is the need of students in continuously learning the use of the past experience of the individual along with the present one for the attainment of decisions intelligent enough in the future. Education of the individual is defined as the only process in achieving so. Acco rding to John Dewey harmonization of individuals with the people of the society, which is involved in the growth of the mental power of individuals, is the ultimate meaning of education. A democratic society in the country could only be evolved with the achievement of education with respect to the intelligence capacity of each individual of the society along with his or her own uniqueness. Dewey perceived democracy as a ââ¬Ëââ¬Å"way of lifeâ⬠founded on a working belief in the possibilities of human nature and in the capacity of humans for ââ¬Å"intelligent judgment and actionâ⬠(Martin 438). He addressed the League for Industrial Democracy in 1931 and suggested the ban of Japanese commodities unless they receded their forces from the borders
A Review of the Human Resource blogs in the Hospitailty Industry Essay
A Review of the Human Resource blogs in the Hospitailty Industry - Essay Example My research stretched to deeper view and analysis of a Human Resource blog that aimed at having ââ¬Å"Humanâ⬠back in Human resource. This is criticizing the replacement of labor by technology that ends up giving less meaning to the term Human Resource in various workforces. As per this blog, it is evident that when the job market comes to question, the words Human Resource end up influencing whether one gets hired or fired. The blog highlights that companies indulge in tough decision making difficult choices. Majority of these choices involve their employees: this however does not mean that these choices are precisely to the advantage of these employees. The main discussion in this blog was to criticize the replacement of humans in human resource with other media. It is discussed that when companies decide on the fate of its human personnel, the decision arrived at is vital and important as it dictates whether there is boost in morale and whether there is availability of visible talent rendition that helps evaluate each and every individual contributor in that particular organization (Barrows, 2009). It is unfortunate though, when human workers are replaced by technology. Decisions evaluated change from matters concerning human skills to for instance, discussion of line items on spreadsheet software, computer tabulations and more technology terms that vividly show to what extent humans have been replaced. This replacement in the so-called human resource workforce in the tourism and associated industries in an effort to portray ingenuity in the tourism industry by machinery and other upcoming personnel media has had diverse effect. Bloggers who participated in this tourism blog by posting views and comments have a view that this trend should come to an instant stop. Humans should take back their role in human resource. The first step to take is seeing to it that the roles
Diffusion and Osmosis Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Diffusion and Osmosis - Lab Report Example The cell and its extracellular environments are fluid in that concentrations of substances dissolved in it vary. Depending on varying concentration of the substances dissolved in water, be it extracellular or intracellular, dissolved substances or water move from one compartment to another directed by physical principles of gradients. To accomplish this, the cell utilizes the processes of osmosis and diffusion as appropriate. These phenomena can be visualized outside the cell by simulating these in vitro. Since cell membrane is a semipermeable membrane and exchanges occur through this, these experiments must utilize a construct of the semipermeable membrane that can be made with a commercially available dialysis tubing and bag. These membranes have microscopic pores through which small molecules like water can pass, but larger molecules, such as sugar cannot pass through them. Thus through this molecular net, solutions of different solute concentrations can be observed to pass in a m easurable fashion. This experiment has been designed to prove the hypothesis of the mechanisms of osmosis and diffusion through such a semipermeable membrane. Diffusion is defined as the movement of molecules from a site of higher concentration to that of a lower concentration. Technically speaking, this difference in concentration creates a concentration gradient, and the steepness of the gradient determines the rate of diffusion. In an attempt to find out the reason as to why it occurs, it can be attributed to a great deal of space between the molecules of all substances that are candidates for diffusion. Liquids have moderate intermolecular space. Moreover, all molecules are in a state of constant random movement so that they collide and intermingle. It is expected that in solids diffusion would occur slowly for tight packing of the molecules. Liquids and gases would diffuse freely because their molecules are spaced widely. Thus, it can be stated that any solute will tend to uniformly occupy the entire space available to it. This movement, known as diffusion, is due to the spontaneous Brownian random movement that all molecules experie nce. The net result of diffusion is the movement of substances according to their difference in concentrations, from regions of high concentration to regions of low concentration. Diffusion is an effective way for substances to move short distances. Diffusion across a membrane has no preferential direction; it can occur from the outside of the cell toward the inside or from the inside of the cell toward the outside. It is however determined the extend of permeability through a membrane, which in the case of a living cell is the protein-lipid-protein plasma membrane, and therefore, diffusion across the membrane usually implies that the diffusing solute enters the lipid bilayer to cross it, the solute's solubility in a lipid solvent compared with its solubility in water is important in determining its permeability through it. Hydrophilic substances, such as ions and sugars, do not interact well with the lipid component of the membrane, hence would diffuse across the membrane more slow ly. This is, however, not applicable in physical membrane such as a dialysis membrane (Campbell NA, Reece JB, Mitchell LG., 1999). If equal volumes of pure water and a strong sugar solution are taken, the pure water will have more water molecules and would have higher water concentration that a sugar
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The U.S Debt Ceiling Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The U.S Debt Ceiling - Term Paper Example In essence, it can just limit the Treasury from settling expenditures once the limit has been achieved, but which have already been permitted and appropriated. When the debt limit is normally reached devoid of any raise in the limit having been passed, the Treasury has to use extraordinary measures to provisionally fund government expenditure and responsibilities till a resolution can be reached. The U.S. Treasury has never, in the past, reached the level of wearing out extraordinary actions, leading to a default, even though the Congress, on a number of occasions, seemed like it would permit a default to occur (Masters, 2013). Managing of the U.S. public debt is a significant aspect of the macroeconomics of the countryââ¬â¢s financial system and economy, and the debt limit is a restraint on the Treasuryââ¬â¢s capacity to run the United States economy (Abotalaf, 2011). However, there are talks on how the U.S. financial system should be controlled, and whether a debt limit is a suitable method for restraining government expenditure (Abotalaf, 2011). This paper will discuss the consequences of debt ceiling in the United States economy, how the country got there and how they can get out of it. What the United States Got to the Current Debit Ceiling In Article I, Section 8 of the American Constitution, only the Congress can consent to the loaning of money by the United States on credit (Levit et al., 2013). From the independence days of the U.S. till the early 90ââ¬â¢s, the Congress openly consented to every singled debt issued (Masters, 2013). To offer more elasticity to support the U.S.ââ¬â¢s involvement in the First World War, the Congress modified the technique through which it legalized debt in the 1917, 2nd Liberty Bond Act. Under this law, the Congress created a summative limit also known as a ââ¬Å"ceilingâ⬠, on the overall amount of fresh bonds, which could be issued (Austin et al., 2012). The current debt limit is a summative limit relev ant to almost all national debt, which was significantly created by the both the 1939 and 1941 Public Debt Acts that have consequently been amended to transform the limit amount (Abotalaf, 2011). From time to time, political disagreements occur when the Treasury informs the Congress that the debt limit is almost to be reached (Masters, 2013). When the debt ceiling is achieved and pending a raise in the limit, the Treasury can use "extraordinary measures" to seek extra time before the limit can be increased by the Congress (Austin et al., 2012). The U.S. has never got to the level of a default where the Treasury was not able to pay United States debt requirements, even if it has been close on a number of occasions. The only exemption was in the 1812 War when a number of areas in Washington D.C., and also the Treasury, were burned to the ground (Levit et al., 2013). The U.S. reached, in 2011, a crisis level of close to a default on public debt. The holdup in raising the debt limit led to the initial downgrade in the U.S. credit ranking, a quick plunge in the stock market, as well as a raise in borrowing expenditure. Another debt limit crisis developed in early 2013 when the ceiling was reached once more, and the Treasury assumed extraordinary measures to evade another default (Levit et al., 2013). The 2013 debt limit crisis was settled, for now, on 4th February, 2013, when the President consented to the No Budget, No Pay Act and also delayed the debt
Learning to Accept the Controversial Issues Essay
Learning to Accept the Controversial Issues - Essay Example With the vast technological growth and advancement in the telecommunications sector, people of today get to experience so many innovative discoveries never before availed. One might not be able to imagine a world without cell phones or the internet, of social networking or being perennially tuned to tunes and gadgets that keep on being upgraded to the level. The same-sex union had previously been unorthodox from my personal perspective, simply because of firsthand experience ââ¬â my biological mother chose another female for a lifelong partner. My mom took Dinah as her partner when I was eight. I also have an adopted sister named Isabella who we came to our home about three years ago. It was very difficult and embarrassing for me to be around with my family due to the unconventional arrangements. I remembered trying desperately to avoid discussions prying on my family life. I made endless excuses when friends want to hang out at home: I have to make errands, I would be suddenly i nvited to a neighborââ¬â¢s night out, I was not able to sleep well due to the neighborââ¬â¢s howling Labrador. The list was endless and I got to be so inventive that I thought my friends actually enjoyed finding out what my next excuse would be. One time, I remembered working on an academic project that required researching on homosexuality and same-sex marriage. I found out how children of same-sex partners were not to be affected at all by the unusual arrangement since the affection and support received from them are actually the same as what heterosexual partners give. Reflecting on this, I realized that the holistic support provided by my ââ¬Ëparentsââ¬â¢ have been exceptional so far and that there really is nothing to be ashamed of. Over time, I began to start accepting my family life and started opening up to others about it. I started bringing my closest friends one at a time at home and felt immensely relieved that they did not see anything wrong with the relationship. I was just apparently too sensitive about it ââ¬â making a mountain out of a molehill.à Ã
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The U.S Debt Ceiling Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The U.S Debt Ceiling - Term Paper Example In essence, it can just limit the Treasury from settling expenditures once the limit has been achieved, but which have already been permitted and appropriated. When the debt limit is normally reached devoid of any raise in the limit having been passed, the Treasury has to use extraordinary measures to provisionally fund government expenditure and responsibilities till a resolution can be reached. The U.S. Treasury has never, in the past, reached the level of wearing out extraordinary actions, leading to a default, even though the Congress, on a number of occasions, seemed like it would permit a default to occur (Masters, 2013). Managing of the U.S. public debt is a significant aspect of the macroeconomics of the countryââ¬â¢s financial system and economy, and the debt limit is a restraint on the Treasuryââ¬â¢s capacity to run the United States economy (Abotalaf, 2011). However, there are talks on how the U.S. financial system should be controlled, and whether a debt limit is a suitable method for restraining government expenditure (Abotalaf, 2011). This paper will discuss the consequences of debt ceiling in the United States economy, how the country got there and how they can get out of it. What the United States Got to the Current Debit Ceiling In Article I, Section 8 of the American Constitution, only the Congress can consent to the loaning of money by the United States on credit (Levit et al., 2013). From the independence days of the U.S. till the early 90ââ¬â¢s, the Congress openly consented to every singled debt issued (Masters, 2013). To offer more elasticity to support the U.S.ââ¬â¢s involvement in the First World War, the Congress modified the technique through which it legalized debt in the 1917, 2nd Liberty Bond Act. Under this law, the Congress created a summative limit also known as a ââ¬Å"ceilingâ⬠, on the overall amount of fresh bonds, which could be issued (Austin et al., 2012). The current debt limit is a summative limit relev ant to almost all national debt, which was significantly created by the both the 1939 and 1941 Public Debt Acts that have consequently been amended to transform the limit amount (Abotalaf, 2011). From time to time, political disagreements occur when the Treasury informs the Congress that the debt limit is almost to be reached (Masters, 2013). When the debt ceiling is achieved and pending a raise in the limit, the Treasury can use "extraordinary measures" to seek extra time before the limit can be increased by the Congress (Austin et al., 2012). The U.S. has never got to the level of a default where the Treasury was not able to pay United States debt requirements, even if it has been close on a number of occasions. The only exemption was in the 1812 War when a number of areas in Washington D.C., and also the Treasury, were burned to the ground (Levit et al., 2013). The U.S. reached, in 2011, a crisis level of close to a default on public debt. The holdup in raising the debt limit led to the initial downgrade in the U.S. credit ranking, a quick plunge in the stock market, as well as a raise in borrowing expenditure. Another debt limit crisis developed in early 2013 when the ceiling was reached once more, and the Treasury assumed extraordinary measures to evade another default (Levit et al., 2013). The 2013 debt limit crisis was settled, for now, on 4th February, 2013, when the President consented to the No Budget, No Pay Act and also delayed the debt
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Classical empires such as Han China Essay Example for Free
The Classical empires such as Han China Essay The Classical empires such as Han China of 206 BCE 220 CE and Rome of 31 BCE 476 CE had similar and different means of imperial administration. Both empires focused on maintaing a bureacracy in addition a centralized administration. However they both differed in their resistence to govern. Yet both empires were successful. Both Han China and Imperial Rome were controlled beneath one leader. The leader of the Han dynasty had the general power, however he started districts ruled by officers. The emperor also used confucianism as a method to train people to become educated bureaucrats. These individuals would then be enforced to his policies. Although, the ruler of Imperial Rome discovered a monarchy, disguised as a Republic, so that he could maintain complete control over his citizens. This allowed the citizens to feel as if they were contributing to government, and also enable the emperor to maintain control over his empire. Both societies also created a lot of centralized governments by developing large expanses of roads to promote trade, as well as imposing taxes to stimulate economic prosperity. Han China and Imperial Rome also wanted to expand the borders of their empires through imperial growth. Han China invaded territories in central and east Asia. Imperial Rome likewise conquered all of the Mediterranean area. both empires had vast armies to manage and conquer new territories and the ones and therefore the prepared had within their grasp. However, in contrast to Han China, Rome was very tolerant and fair to its new conquered territories by allowing them freedoms and exemption from taxes.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Fault location methods
Fault location methods Abstract This paper presents a comparative study between two fault location methods in distribution network with Distributed Generation (DG). Both methods are based on computing the impedance using fundamental voltage and current signals. The first method uses one-end information and the second uses both ends. A 30 kV three-phase line was studied in the presence of a 3 MW fixed speed wind turbine. Index Terms-Fault location, Distribution network, Distributed Generation, Fixed Speed Wind Turbineà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Introduction Fault location problem in transmission networks has been studied deeply because of its importance in the power system and because its difficult to physically check long transmission lines [1]. Nowadays, the problem of fault location was extended to distribution network in order to identify the fault location as quickly as possible to improve the power quality and the system reliability. The application of classical techniques, presented in Section 2, is not easy due to the complexity of the distribution systems which are characterized by the non-homogeneity of line, the load uncertainty, the phase unbalanceà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ [2] Fault location problem in the distribution network becomes more complicated with the presence of the Distributed Generation (DG). In fact, the DG resources, connected to the distribution system, which are in general, wind turbines and small hydro-electrical plants [3], contribute to the fault level of the network and their effect depends on their size, type and placement [4]. The infeed currents from the DGs cause errors in the estimation of the distance of the fault point since they can affect the amplitude, the direction and, indirectly, the duration of fault currents [3]. In this paper, we present two fault location methods which have been successfully applied to a real fault that occurred on a 225 kV transmission line in [5]. They will be, first, tested on a simple distribution line without DGs. Then, we consider a fixed speed wind turbine connected to the other side of the line. FAULT LOCATION TECHNIQUES Fault location methods can be classified into different categories: Methods based on travelling waves in faulted line: in [6], authors present a travelling wave based fault location method, which was successfully applied on a transmission line, and extended to distribution line with DGs. The main advantages of this approach are its insensitivity to the contribution of the DGs during fault and the requirement of fault signal only from the substation end of the faulted line. Methods based on harmonics analysis: those methods are not frequently used since grid operators have the aim to reduce harmonics in the power system. Method based on computing the short circuit power, using the voltage and the currents, to determine the fault location [5]. Method using instantaneous voltage and current available at both ends of the line [5]. Methods based on determining the apparent impedance using the fundamental components of voltage and current: this method is the most widely used because of its simplicity and efficiency, and it does not require a big investment in equipment [1], [2]. Those methods can be divided into two groups: Methods using one-end information and Methods using both ends of the affected line. Fig. 1 shows a simple three-phase distribution line with a load connected via a transformer (30 kV/ 575 V). The basic approach used for determining the fault distance d is to calculate the impedance seen from substation (NL) during the fault. This paper presents two fault location techniques. Method using one-end information Where: Vk is the voltage of the faulted phase and Vf is the fault voltage. Vk and Vf depends on the fault type as given in table I. Method using both ends information The voltage and the current of the two ends line are related with this expression: Where: VLi, VRi, ILi, IRi are resp. the voltage and the current of the left and the right side of the phase i. VLj, VRj, ILj, IRj are resp. the voltage and the current of the left and the right side of the phase j. Zik,Zjk: elements of the impedance matrix of the line L: line length d: fault distance Simulation and results In order to show the effectiveness of the presented algorithms, the system presented in Fig. 1 is tested with the source, the line and the load parameters given in table II. Where: dest and dreal are respectively the estimated and the real fault distance, and L is the line length. Fig. 2 shows the estimated error for the simulated system of Fig. 1 for different fault resistance value to compare the two techniques described above. Fig. 3 shows the fault location results for different load power. It can be seen that as the load power increases, the estimation error also increases. For the first technique, the estimation error is less than 1.5% and can still be acceptable, but for the second technique, the estimation error can reach 30% for a 5 MW load. In fact, the accuracy of the algorithm, for variable load, depends on the short-circuit power of the source. Fig. 4 shows that the estimation error decreases if the ratio between the load power and the source short-circuit power decreases. In order to study the influence of the integration of the DGs into the distribution networks on the fault location accuracy, a three-phase line integrating a 3MW fixed speed wind turbine at the right side of the line is considered in Fig. 5. A 1MW local load has been connected to the WT. Fig. 6, 7 and 8 present the WT characteristics: the nominal wind speed is 9 m/s; the wind speed is imposed equal to 8 m/s that makes the WT generating 0.66 pu of its active power. The reactive power is generated by an 800 kVAR capacitors. The WT speed is fixed to 1 pu. A one-phase fault, during 600 ms, that occurs on the line with different fault resistance value and different load power, is used to evaluate the presented methods. Fig. 9 presents the estimated error for the simulated line with wind turbine. It can be seen that the error is higher than in the first case because of the participation of the WT to the fault current which is not delivered only by the source. Then, the source voltage increases and the impedance seen from the source will be higher than the impedance of the same fault on the line without WT. Comparing with the results presented for a line without DGs, we can see that the contribution of the WT in the fault current increases widely the estimation error of both methods, especially the second one that uses the recorded information from the source bus and the WT connection point. The effect of the uncertainty of the load is investigated by varying its value from 0 to 5 MW, for a fault located at 20 km from the source. Fig. 10 presents the accuracy of the described methods while varying the load. Unlike the result presented for the line without GDs, the estimated error decreases while increasing the load impedance. This result shows that conventional methods cant be well used for network with DGs. It is known that an increase in generation capacity, increases the fault current, then the participation of the DGs to the fault level will increase too. For that, we consider two wind turbine of 3MW each one, connected to a distribution network at the same connection point. The wind reference of the first WT is fixed to 8m/s, and for the second, it starts with a wind speed of 8m/s then it increases to 9m/s to simulate the two wind sources with different rate of penetration. Fig. 12 shows the characteristics of both WTs. Conclusion This paper presents two impedance based fault location methods tested on a distribution line with and without distributed generation. The two techniques present an interesting precision for fault location in distribution system that does not integrate GDs. But, with the existence of the WT connected to the grid, those methods are not applicable especially for a high fault resistance value or variable load impedance. Thus, integration of the DGs into the distribution network requires further study on the existing fault location techniques to adapt them with the DGs state when a fault occurs. References J. Mora, J. Melendez, M. Vinyoles, J. Sà ¡nchez, M. Castro, An Overview to Fault Location Methods in Distribution System Based on Single End Measures of Voltage and Current, Journal Name, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 1-10, Mar. 2000. Y.-J. Ahn, M.-S. Choi, S.-H. Kang and S.-J. Lee, An accurate fault location algorithm for double-circuit transmission systems, in Proc. IEEE Power Eng. Soc. Summer Meeting, vol. 3, 2000, pp. 1344-1349. TH. Boutsika, S. Papathanassiou, N. Drossos, Calculation of the Fault Level Contribution of Distributed Generation According To IEC Standard 60909, NTUA-Electric Power Division, Athens. V.R. Kanduri, Distributed Generation Impact on Fault Response of A Distrubution Network, Thesis of the Faculty of Mississippi State University, 2004. A. Abadlia,La Localisation des Dà ©fauts dans les Lignes Electriques, Thesis of the National School of Engineers of Tunis (ENIT), 2007. C.Y. Evrenosoglu, A. Abur, Fault Location in Distribution Systems with Distributed Generation, 15th PSCC, Liege, 22-26 August 2005, Session 10, Paper 5, p. 5.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Revenge in Hamlet and The Revengers Tragedy Essay -- Elizabethan Reve
à à à In this study of revenge and revengers in two Elizabethan revenge tragedies the two plays I shall look at are Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, and The Revenger's Tragedy, by Thomas Middleton. I shall look first at the playwrights' handling of the characters of the revengers, and then at the treatment of the revengers by other characters in the plays. Although having similarities in their underlying themes, and in their adherence to conventions, these two plays present contrasting pictures of the figure of the revenger; Hamlet offering a far more complex treatment of its main character, and The Revenger's Tragedy appearing, in comparison, limited by the author's social message, and lacking in realistic characterisation. Hamlet and Vindice, the two revengers, have in common their tasks as revengers, but they have very different methods of dealing with situations, modes of thought, and instinctual behaviour. Middleton's Vindice is largely an allegorical character; his name and the names of other characters in The Revenger's Tragedy (e.g. Spurio, Ambitioso) are derived from Medieval morality plays; names which suggest the quality of near-farcical exaggeration which is a feature of The Revenger's Tragedy from the opening scene's remarkable similarity to a procession of the Seven Deadly Sins, to Vindice's simplistic association of lust with Judas and the Devil. Hamlet, in contrast, is an individual with depth, who suffers from insecurity, and a sense of absurdity. As we see him at the beginning of the play he is suffering from melancholy, not only from the death of his father, but also from "the moral shock of the sudden ghostly disclosure of his mother's true nature" (Bradley). Hamlet is psychologically real, and in my view... ...tentions in the face of a whimsical providence. Works Cited Bradley, A. C., John Russell. Brown, and A. C. Bradley. A.C. Bradley on Shakespeare's Tragedies: A Concise Edition and Reassessment. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Print. Garber, Marjorie B. Profiling Shakespeare. New York: Routledge, 2008. Print. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, and Ian Johnston. On the Use and Abuse of History for Life. Arlington, VA: Richer Resources Publications, 2010. Print. Erlich, Avi. Hamlet's Absent Father. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1977. Print. Middleton, Thomas. ââ¬Å"The Revengerââ¬â¢s Tragedy.â⬠1607. Five Revenge Tragedies. Ed. Emma Smith. London: Penguin Classics, 2012. Print. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. New York: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1994. Wilson, J. Dover "What Happens in Hamlet" New York: Cambridge University Press, 1959 Revenge in Hamlet and The Revenger's Tragedy Essay -- Elizabethan Reve à à à In this study of revenge and revengers in two Elizabethan revenge tragedies the two plays I shall look at are Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, and The Revenger's Tragedy, by Thomas Middleton. I shall look first at the playwrights' handling of the characters of the revengers, and then at the treatment of the revengers by other characters in the plays. Although having similarities in their underlying themes, and in their adherence to conventions, these two plays present contrasting pictures of the figure of the revenger; Hamlet offering a far more complex treatment of its main character, and The Revenger's Tragedy appearing, in comparison, limited by the author's social message, and lacking in realistic characterisation. Hamlet and Vindice, the two revengers, have in common their tasks as revengers, but they have very different methods of dealing with situations, modes of thought, and instinctual behaviour. Middleton's Vindice is largely an allegorical character; his name and the names of other characters in The Revenger's Tragedy (e.g. Spurio, Ambitioso) are derived from Medieval morality plays; names which suggest the quality of near-farcical exaggeration which is a feature of The Revenger's Tragedy from the opening scene's remarkable similarity to a procession of the Seven Deadly Sins, to Vindice's simplistic association of lust with Judas and the Devil. Hamlet, in contrast, is an individual with depth, who suffers from insecurity, and a sense of absurdity. As we see him at the beginning of the play he is suffering from melancholy, not only from the death of his father, but also from "the moral shock of the sudden ghostly disclosure of his mother's true nature" (Bradley). Hamlet is psychologically real, and in my view... ...tentions in the face of a whimsical providence. Works Cited Bradley, A. C., John Russell. Brown, and A. C. Bradley. A.C. Bradley on Shakespeare's Tragedies: A Concise Edition and Reassessment. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Print. Garber, Marjorie B. Profiling Shakespeare. New York: Routledge, 2008. Print. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, and Ian Johnston. On the Use and Abuse of History for Life. Arlington, VA: Richer Resources Publications, 2010. Print. Erlich, Avi. Hamlet's Absent Father. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1977. Print. Middleton, Thomas. ââ¬Å"The Revengerââ¬â¢s Tragedy.â⬠1607. Five Revenge Tragedies. Ed. Emma Smith. London: Penguin Classics, 2012. Print. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. New York: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1994. Wilson, J. Dover "What Happens in Hamlet" New York: Cambridge University Press, 1959
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Richard Fairbanks and Takeshi Yasudas Ceramics Essay example -- Arti
Richard Fairbanks' and Takeshi Yasuda's Ceramics Richard Fairbanks, although many times overlooked, was an important American ceramist. He was known as a "loner" and because of this he was never really appreciated for his talent. Fairbanks was greatly influence by his professors. Professor Paul Bonifas, who taught at the University of Washington, was one who left a huge impact on Fairbanks work. Fairbanks created a system of sketching pottery profiles, which stemmed from Bonifasââ¬â¢ teachings, as a mean of "thinking on paper." This approach to pottery through sketching was a crucial element that separated Fairbanks from many other Asian-inspired American peers. Although, Fairbanks was a wheel thrown expert, he continued to "think on paper" throughout his creative life. Much of what absorbs Fairbanks interests can be seen in his making of candlesticks, casseroles, and vases. During the later part of his life he created three of his final pieces. One being the Stoneware Heart Plate, 1985, secondly the Stoneware server, 1985, and thirdly the Stoneware Vase, 1985. These were three of Fairbanks last works, which suggest the direction in which he was headed, in terms of what defined his style, before he became deathly ill. The plate, which is an exploration of decoration, is liquid clay or "slip pattern" of concentric circles around a valentine heart. This plate was wheel thrown, and glazed with iron oxide and copper red washes. I find it very interesting because it seems to portray more emotion than most of his other pieces. This can probably be indirectly associated with Fairbanks illness and how he was feeling at the time. The next piece he made during his period of illness was called the "Stoneware Server." The server can be explained by "unadorned simplicity." It also takes on some style of the art deco period. Fairbanks decided that for the server, he would decorate a new style of handles. The thrown thread-spool shape. Many people explained this server as a "model of modernist formal unity." The server is covered with red matte glaze. I became attracted to this piece because of its simplicity. It creates room for interpretation, which I find culminating. His last and final piece, which is very interesting, is called the "Stoneware Vase*" It has two curled spiral handles, suggestive of ancient or pre-historic civilizat... ...s Platter is made from Creamware, which was an invention of 18th century Staffordshire. Creamware was what eventually replaced the popular thin glazed products. Yasuda gave a new name to creamware. He was impressed with its "optimistic and visually liberating appearance." Though not strongly shown in the pieces above, Yasuda's ability to control and rescue a form before a complete collapse takes place amazes me. His interest in gravity and directional pull played a huge role in Yasudaââ¬â¢s style. I feel strongly that Yasudaââ¬â¢s success comes from his love of exploration, especially of the unknown. By challenging the "normal" his pots engage and provoke his audience. Richard Fairbanks and Takeshi Yasuda are very different in nature, but I find each of their works visually and aesthetically compelling. Difference creates questions, which creates interests, which creates answers. I feel both of these men treasured simplicity in its realist form! Fairbanks and Takeshi both explored the "unknown" to create identity for themselves. The creativity, ingeniousness, and capacity of knowledge that these men display helps identify who they are and what they stand for as artists.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Software Development Life Cycle
SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE SUMMARY SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE is basically a framework which describes the activities performed at each stage of a software development Project. These activities involve stages like the requirements, design, implementation, testing, installation and maintenance. In the information technology industry, SDLC plays a big role. No software development process will ever be completed efficiently and also meeting the budget client requirements without SDLC. This is because SDLC involves a structural framework which describes the phases involved in information system development. SDLC in management is an important factor which needs to be taken into consideration if you want a software development project to be resounding success. The phases of SDLC can vary somewhat but generally include the following: Conceptualization Requirements and cost/benefits analysis Detailed specification of the software requirements Software design Programming Testing User and technical training; and Maintenance The following are some basic popular models that are adopted by many software development firms System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Model Prototyping Model Rapid Application Development Model Component Assembly Model As part of my research project I would be studying the core principles of SDLC. I would also perform research on available SDLC models in the information technology industry. System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Model This is also known as Classic Life Cycle Model (or) Linear Sequential Model (or) Waterfall Method. This model has the following. Most software teams still use a waterfall process for development projects. Taking an extreme waterfall approach means that you complete a number of phases in a strictly ordered sequence: requirements analysis, design, implementation/integration, and then testingg activities. 1. System/Information Engineering and Modeling As software is always of a large system (or business), work begins by establishing the requirements for all system elements and then allocating some subset of these requirements to software. This system view is essential when the software must interface with other elements such as hardware, people and other resources. System is the basic and very critical requirement for the existence of software in any entity. So if the system is not in place, the system should be engineered and put in place. In some cases, to extract the maximum output, the system should be re-engineered and spruced up. Once the ideal system is engineered or tuned, the development team studies the software requirement for the system. 2. Software Requirement Analysis This process is also known as feasibility study. In this phase, the development team visits the customer and studies their system. They investigate the need for possible software automation in the given system. By the end of the feasibility study, the team furnishes a document that holds the different specific recommendations for the candidate system. It also includes the personnel assignments, costs, project schedule, target dates etcâ⬠¦. The requirement gathering process is intensified and focussed specially on software. To understand the nature of the program(s) to be built, the system engineer or ââ¬Å"Analystâ⬠must understand the information domain for the software, as well as required function, behavior, performance and interfacing. The essential purpose of this phase is to find the need and to define the problem that needs to be solved . 3. System Analysis and Design In this phase, the software development process, the software's overall structure and its nuances are defined. In terms of the client/server technology, the number of tiers needed for the package architecture, the database design, the data structure design etcâ⬠¦ are all defined in this phase. A software development model is thus created. Analysis and Design are very crucial in the whole development cycle. Any glitch in the design phase could be very expensive to solve in the later stage of the software development. Much care is taken during this phase. The logical system of the product is developed in this phase. 4. Code Generation The design must be translated into a machine-readable form. The code generation step performs this task. If the design is performed in a detailed manner, code generation can be accomplished without much complication. Programming tools like compilers, interpreters, debuggers etcâ⬠¦ are used to generate the code. Different high level programming languages like C, C++, Pascal, Java are used for coding. With respect to the type of application, the right programming language is chosen. 5. Testing Agile software development refers to a group of software development methodologies based on iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing cross-functional teams. Agile methods generally promote a disciplined project management process that encourages frequent inspection and adaptation, a leadership philosophy that encourages teamwork, self-organization and accountability, a set of engineering best practices intended to allow for rapid delivery of high-quality software, and a business approach that aligns development with customer needs and company goals. Agile methods have much in common with the ââ¬Å"Rapid Application Developmentâ⬠techniqu
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Ama, Learning
In this essay, the learning cure theory will be discussed, and also applying to L+H fashion limited (L+H) which will benefit by using the learning curve. In the last section, the limitation of learning curve will also be discussed. Part A (i) Introduction for learning curve theory Learning curve is a concept that measuring the experience of a skill gained by an organization, and how fast it can be master. As the experience gained, the workers performance will be improve, time taken will be decrease, and therefore the productivity will grow up.Also, according to Steven (2010), learning curve is a significant technique for management to predict the time needed for the future task (p. 1). It can also be useful for the several areas, for instance, making a pricing or budgeting decision, estimate the wages cost and planning schedule of work. In addition, learning curve is based on the task doing by human and must be in repetition. And Steven (2010) point out that the learning curve doesnà ¢â¬â¢t help to reduce cost, it only occurs when the management take action. Introduction for the organizationIn the following section, the learning curve theory will be apply to L+H Fashion Limited (L+H), they are manufacturing of knitwear which is 100% hand made and also made in Hong Kong, from design, product development, knitting, linking, stitching, labeling to packaging. (ii) Introduction First of all, the learning curve can be applied in L+H since there are many procedures is doing by human and those procedures will unchanged because of L+H is only produce the knitwear, also those procedure are in repetition. Such as stitching, the workers have to stitch up those parts of the knitwear by hand.In this situation, the learning curve can be apply, because if the worker stitching the first knitwear, it will spend more time to find out the way. Move to the second one, the worker will more confidence and faster to stitch it, in repetition the task, the worker can be more efficiency . Furthermore, since they would like to be a high fashion brand in Hong Kong, and providing high quality knitwear to the other high fashion brand, so they are now considering should they accept the new contract, build up their own brand or both.The learning curve can be use to helping them to consider the budgeting, pricing, detecting the design bugs, future operation decisions and determine the human resourse. Budgeting In this case, if the learning affects taken into L+H, it is easily for them to evaluate the rate of learning and the time reduction. It can provide a reliable standard to measuring the actual performance of the product line. Therefore, the management can obtain the most near information, giving them a forecast of revenues and expenditures. Thus, they can evaluate their performance, and control the waste from error, setting the budgeted goal.Beside the goals set by the learning effect is more motivation for the workers. Such as production budgeting, they can estimate the production unit to meet the budgeted goal. Since they would like to provide the knitwear to the new contract, they can forecast the cost, human resources and material need for the new contract. They should use learning curve, because the simple analysis will ignored the learning effect, so that the performance may underestimate. It can also help to set a standard for guiding the workers, use to ake sure the quality of knitwear, control the cost and to establish the bonus plan. So that the management can confirm the knitwear having a high quality to fulfill their goal that being a high fashion brand. They can also estimate the product cost, since the cost is foremost element for pricing decision To conclude, it can help L + H for budgeting, since it can give them a accuracy forecasting, to let them set up a budgeted goal to motivate the workers, to measure their performance more exact, and the management can use to set out a guide to standard the task. PricingIt can help in pric ing strategic. Since the learning curve can be determine the cost, manpower for the task and predict time of the whole project. For instance, the procedures of knitwear are made by the workers, so that the labor costs become significant factor. They can foresee how much for the labor cost before they accept the contract. Also the material cost. In addition, when the production increase and the cost will be drop down, they can sell the knitwear at a lower price, and attracting the new customers choosing L+H and to gain the market share at the high fashion cycle.So that they can produce more knitwear and the cost will be further decrease. To summaries of the pricing, it is helpful for them to making price decision, use to having a lower price which is attracting the new customers. Decision making ââ¬â future operational Thirdly, it can help management to making decision for future operation by using the data provide by learning effect. L+H can consider should they provide the knit wear to the other brand or build up their own brand. Because the resources are limited, they can find out the most profitable future operation decision.In additional, they can also consider should they provide training course to the worker, to make the procedure become more efficient. Furthermore, they can plan to make advertising or giving discount to the customer, because they become more efficient and the cost will be deduced, so that they can have more budgets. And this action can make them become more famous and attract the new customers. In concluding of this part, it is useful for them to find out the business orientation which is most benefit for them, and the future action should be making. Detected the designed bugsMoreover, they can find out the designed bugs and correct it immediate. Since the L + H will do the task repetition, so that there are more product produce with the same equipment. The designer can seek out the insufficient of the design of knitwear. It is help to devolve their product and make it more perfect. Moreover, it can help to reduce the waste of error and also to reduce the labor hours since they can find out which part is wasting resources and to redesign the knitwear. Thus, they can know how to use the lower cost to make the better knitwear.To sum up, since the designed bugs can be detected, they can prevent the waste of material, time and the labor hours. Also it can used to improve their product. Determining human resourses For determining the human resourses, as L+H become more efficient, the management can reassign the manpower, eliminate the unnecessary task or recruit additional worker. So that they can ensure the contract can be finish on time and the quality wonââ¬â¢t be affect even they have to produce more knitwear. At the same time, the human resourses can be use in the best way.It can also help to plan the schedule of work to hit the production target, and forecast of the date of delivery. A round up of this part , the human resourse can be reallocate, and it is useful for cost saving. Part B Limitations Firstly, there is an assumption of learning curve that the production must be continues less of significant impediment. In case of the impediment occur the learning curve will be change. For example, when the entity employed a new worker to participate the activity, because of the learning curve performed by the experienced staff, the new worker will not be subject to learning curve.Secondly, any change of the learning environment such as design, the supply level and quality of materials, employeeââ¬â¢s morale and people attribution, will affect the learning curve. For instance, the upgrade of facilities may affect the knowledge of the worker, their productivity may drop down, so the learning curve may obsolete. Also, since learning curve is based on the time of producing, nevertheless it is hardly to ensure the real data obtain for the calculation, so that the management expectation may be wrong.The company culture may also influence the learning curve, such as the bonus for workers, working hours per day. For example, the worker zeal of the task will decrease when the job nearly end, it will make the curve drop down. In additional, difference people having difference absorptive capacity, so that the time of finishing task will be difference. Lack of consistence is fail to meeting target which is decision by learning curve theory. Last but not least, the learning curve need the task is in repetition, if the task is not repetitive the learning curve cannot be applied. ConclusionTo conclude of the whole essay, the learning curve is a tool for management making decision and to become more efficiency to reach the goal. Also, the learning curve can be use in many ways. In part A (ii), discussed in the application of learning curve in L+H, they can use it for budgeting ââ¬â helping them to set out the company goal and guidance, pricing ââ¬â to having a lower pric e to increase their price competitiveness, decision making ââ¬â to decide the most profitable general direction, detect the design error ââ¬â to make the design become more perfect and determine the human resourse ââ¬â to use the manpower most efficient.So that they can seek out the best way to continues their business. In the next part, the limitations of learning curve are discussed. There are six limitations have been probe, the learning curve is lack of continuity, there shouldnââ¬â¢t have any change of learning environment, the difficulty of obtaining the information, the company culture, human learning ability and the repetition of task. Reference List 1. Steven, Grahame, (1999) ââ¬ËThe learning curve: from aircraft to spacecraft? Management Accounting, May 1999 2. http://secure. gslb. cimaglobal. com/Documents/ImportedDocuments/ma_may_99_p64-65. pdf [assessed 01. 11. 2012] 3. Steven, Grahame, (2010) ââ¬ËThe learning curve: The key to future management? â â¬â¢ Research executive summary series, 6(12) 4. Steven, Grahame, (2004b) ââ¬ËSteep in historyââ¬â¢ CIMA Insider, Jul/Aug. , pp. 23-24 5. Steven, Grahame, (2004a) ââ¬ËA minor departureââ¬â¢ CIMA Insider, Sep. , pp. 24 6. L+H Fashion Limited http://www. lplush. com/LplusH. html [assessed 01. 11. 2012]
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Clovis lithic technology: Investigation of a stratified workshop at the Gault Site Essay
Environmental philosophies Introduction According to Martin (ââ¬Å"Pleistocene Overkillâ⬠), what disproves the so- called ââ¬Å"overkill hypothesisâ⬠? à à à à à à ââ¬â The loss of small animals, vertebrates, marine life, aquatic organism and plants, is not anywhere substantiated through fossil records; the records do not indicate the loss of organism mentioned above. à à à à à à à à à à à 2. According to Martin, what is the primary cause of mass extinctions during the Late Pleistocene? à à à à à à à à à à à -Extinction is a rapid process that occurs with changing times and climatic conditions as the evolution of new species. This is evidenced by a close examination of fossil records. Partly, this was caused by the prevailing habitant which led to significant extinction of North American horses(Collin & Kay, 1999). à à à à à à à à à à à 3. According to the Scientific American Frontiers documentary ââ¬Å"Coming Into America,â⬠how old are the remains of Arlington Springs Woman? à à à à à à à à à à à -In this documentary, the remains are approximately 13,000 years of age. à à à à à à à à à à à 4. According to the documentary film ââ¬Å"Coming Into America,â⬠what is the current accepted theory in archeology regarding the identity of the first Americans? à à à à à à à à à à à ââ¬â A study of ââ¬Å"coming to Americaâ⬠opposes the notion and theory of Clovis, this documentary upholds the theory of Arlington spring. It provides more truth and is better substantiated as opposed to Clovis theory à à à à à à à à à à à 5. According to the documentary film ââ¬Å"Coming into America,â⬠why is the Arlington Springs Woman so puzzling to archeologists? à à à à à à à à à à à -The reason that made scientist to get puzzled is because they had the notion that as earlier as 50, 000 years ago, there was no way a person could have boats, as means of water transport. This is accurately true of any person, who would reflect on the nature of life that people lived 50,000 years ago. à à à à à à à à à à à 6. According to the documentary film ââ¬Å"Coming Into America,â⬠what prehistoric stone point was lethal against large animals like mammoths, horses, and bison? à à à à à à à à à à à ââ¬â Archeologists found an entirely new form of stone point which they named Clovis. This points were at various points located in other geographical sites. They were always found with nothing deeper. Therefore, archeologists came to perceive that the inventors of these points were the very first to be found in this land. At the current times, Dennis Stanford reveals that making of Clovis involved basic processes to be implemented. It was very efficient in hunting down large animals including mammoths and lions which at that time had very heavy teeth and were not able to effectively chew bones as it is the case today(Chapdelaine , 2012). The points had flakes on all their sides, they had characteristics which had thin bases, thus allowing the end points to be joined into the spear shaft. After the name was struck, the shaft was then removed, leaving that particular point embedded. After this, the hunters would apply another load in or der to target their next kill. This proved to be very lethal and efficient in bringing down large animals. à à à à à à à à à à à 7. According to archeologist Michael Collins (ââ¬Å"Coming Into Americaâ⬠), what was the number one game animal of the people who lived at Gault 13,000 years ago? à à à à à à à à à à à -It is certain that the people who resided, 13,000 years ago, at Gault, were very active and sophisticated game hunters. They however exploited all the resources at their disposal to ensure that they got food and lived happily. Due to the challenges that they encountered they opted to gather berries and small game animals. Therefore, turtles formed an essential part of their meal. They were normally found at the creek. à à à à à à à à à à à 8. According to the documentary film ââ¬Å"Coming Into America,â⬠which South American site has called into question the ââ¬Å"Clovis-firstâ⬠theory and why? à à à à à à à à à à à ââ¬â Alan learned that there were multiple discoveries which led to the questioning of the theory of Clovis first theory. There was one site called Monte Verde in Chile, which has led to so many controversies for many years. It is believed to be more than a thousand years older than Clovis. At the same time, there was a site in Topper located in South of Carolina. This site also offers powerful evidence as to why Clovis first theory does not suffice. It shows that people resided in Northern, East, and America even before the Clovis people arrived. à à à à à à à à à à à 9. According to archeologist Steve Holen (ââ¬Å"Coming Into Americaâ⬠), what evidence is there that might allow us to push the peopling of America back to 18,000 years? à à à à à à à à à à à -Holen Steve of the Museum of Denever believes that he can drive the American people further by even 18,000 years with the help of mammoth bones exposed at five sites in the US. Critics claim that the bones might have been broken by animals, but Steve shows Alan why itââ¬â¢s impossible. à à à à à à à à à à à 10. According to the documentary film ââ¬Å"Coming Into America,â⬠via what Alaskan land bridge is it believed that the Clovis people traveled? à à à à à à à à à à à -For many years itââ¬â¢s assumed that Clovis people originated through Alaska using a bridge from Siberia, they traveled through the south because ice sheets were all over larger part of Canada(W2aters et al., 2011). It is this reason that archeologist have tried to locate any signs of the Clovis people in the Alaska. à à à à à à à à à à à 11. According to archeologist Dennis Stanford (ââ¬Å"Coming Into Americaâ⬠), how might the Solutrean people of Europe have traveled to America? à à à à à à à à à à à ââ¬â Dennis believes that fossils jaw that is found in Chesapeake, suggest how Solutreans got their way through to the northen part of America. Around 15,000-20,000 years, ice-loving walrus could have made their way through the northern part of America. Dennis also believes that the solutreans got to Chesapeake bringing with them their boats which stretched across the waters of the ocean. à à à à à à à à à à à 12. According to Guthrie (ââ¬Å"Primitive Manââ¬â¢s Relationship to Natureâ⬠), in what ways do primitive cultures differ from modern society? à à à à à à à à à à à ââ¬â The modern man seems so isolated and disconnected from nature, perhaps due to the advances in nature and evolved styles of living (Bradley et al., 2010). This unnatural attitude is a result of the notion that man, the primitive man, lived in total harmony with nature as evidenced by the Indians. Contrary the current man, there is a notion that primitive man more so the American Indian was so much attuned to nature. à à à à à à à à à à à 13. According to Hutchinson (ââ¬Å"The Remaking of the Amerindâ⬠), what evidence supports the claim that the notion of Native Americans as ââ¬Å"noble savageâ⬠in North America is a myth? à à à à à à à à à à à ââ¬â This concept faced a lot challenges and criticism with the reality that the Amerind was not meant to be a romantic symbol. Regardless of the brutal attacks of nearly three centuries, that were marked with ââ¬Ësettlerââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëredskinââ¬â¢, the objective the Noble savage could not completely dissipate. à à à à à à à à à à à 14. On what bases does Hutchinson reject the claim that the pre-Columbian Amerind did not upset the delicate balance of nature? à à à à à à à à à à à -The core reason is that movements of population started with early wanderers of Asia who passed through Bering Strait. The strict and harsh competition for agricultural land and hunting grounds forced some groups of communities to move to different regions. This led to exhaustion of agricultural among other natural commodities. The prevailing climatic conditions especially in the valley of upper Missouri, led to movements. Therefore the pre-Columbians did not offset nature. References Bradley, B. A., Collins, M. B., Hemmings, A., Shoberg, M., & Lohse, J. C. (2010).à Clovis technology. Ann Arbor, Mich: International Monographs in Prehistory. Chapdelaine, C., & Association des archeà ologues du Queà bec. (2012).à Late Pleistocene archaeology & ecology in the far Northeast. College Station: Texas A & M University Press. Collins, M. B., & Kay, M. (1999).à Clovis blade technology: A comparative study of the Keven Davis Cache, Texas. Austin: University of Texas Press. Waters, M. R., Pevny, C. D., & Carlson, D. L. (2011).à Clovis lithic technology: Investigation of a stratified workshop at the Gault Site, Texas. College Station: Texas A & M University Press. Source document
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