Sunday, September 15, 2019

Concept of Sustainable Development

The concept of sustainable development is based on the rising environmental problems, socio-economic issues to do with poverty and inequality, and concerns about a healthy future for humanity. There is no definitive definition of sustainable development as it is thought of differently by many other people throughout the world. Sustainable Development is founded on the principle that mankind should advance without causing permanent damage to ecosystems and the resources they provide, how these resources are used, the processes that are used to get these resources and who has access to them.All the above stated should be taken into consideration without posing risks to future generations. Sustainable development can be seen as as the connection between environment, society and economy, which is thought of being separate yet connected bodies. The economy is often given priority in policies and the environment is viewed as apart from humans. They are directly linked where the economy is dependent on society and the environment, and society is dependent on, and within the environment. Issues to do with society such as sustainability of communities and the maintenance of cultural diversity are often sidelined.Economics came to be the leading issue of human relations with economic growth, defined by increasing production, as the main priority. Changing the quality of growth, meeting important needs, merging environment and economics in decision making while emphasizing human development, participation in decisions and equality in benefits are things that can be done to eliminate poverty, meet human needs and ensure that all get a fair share of resources. Social justice today and in the future is a key component of the concept of sustainable development. This is seen as the key to humanity’s well-being and, through growth, poverty would be reduced.Most countries have no programs or policies that offer any real hope of narrowing the growing gap between rich and p oor. This has caused damage to the environment which we depend on, with a downward spiral of poverty and environmental degradation. Environmental problems threaten people’s health, livelihoods and lives and threaten future generations. Global prosperity and human well-being can be achieved through increased global trade and industry. Green engineering is designing, building and manufacturing of products and processes including energy utilization and waste production that has the least negative impact on the environment possible.It includes all of the engineering disciplines, and is based off of current engineering design principles. Green Engineering can be defined as environmentally conscious attitudes, values, and principles, combined with science, technology, and engineering practice, all directed toward improving local and global environmental quality. It is usually used when referring to buildings, but it can be used for automobiles, lights or any other sort of system or device that requires engineering. Current design concepts in automobiles that are considered environmentally friendly are hybrid technologies; flex fuel vehicles, and even electricity.Though green engineering is somewhat more expensive, many countries, recognizing the value of this type of engineering by offering tax breaks and other incentives to the people and companies that incorporate its use. Green engineers need to understand how building materials, techniques and other components can be made in an environmentally-friendly way. This may include the use of solar powered appliances, especially water heaters, solar lights or windows and other design elements. Elements outside the building, such as the irrigation system and other landscaping features need to be taken into consideration also.It is likely that in the very near future we will be seeing â€Å"green cities† where cities are constructed to be healthy and environmentally friendly environments thus alleviating iss ues such as poverty in inequality within society. References 1. Abrahammson, K. V. 1997. Paradigms of sustainability. In S. Sorlin, ed. The road towards sustainability, A historical perspective, A sustainable Baltic Region, The Baltic University programme,Uppsalla University, pp. 30-35. 2. Hanna, S. & Munasinghe, M. 1995. eds.Property rights in a social and ecological context, Case study and design apllications, The Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics and the World Bank, Washington D. C. 3. OECD. 1997. Environmental indicators for agriculture, Paris. 4. Robinson, J. & Tinker, J. 1995. Reconciling ecological, economic and social imperatives: Toward an analytical framework, SDRI Discussion Papers Series, 1995-1, Sustainable Development Institute. Vancouver, Canada. 5. Anastas, P. T. , and Zimmerman, J. B. , â€Å"Design through the Twelve Principles of Green Engineering†, Env. Sci. and Tech. , 37, 5, 94A-101A, 2003.

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